Why You Should Avoid Driving With an Over or Under-Inflated Tyre | TREEL Mobility

Why You Should Avoid Driving With an Over or Under-Inflated Tyre

The vehicle is made up of several components, the tyres being one of the most critical. They ensure your car is stable, allowing you to control the vehicle even at top speeds – without any risk.

However, most drivers tend to overlook checking the tyre pressure, which can be a big problem. Over or under-inflated tyres can impact the overall ride quality and may even lead to breakdowns – or worse, accidents.

Why Should the Air Pressure in Tyres Be Closely Monitored?

The tyre’s air pressure plays an important role in the ride quality and overall safety of the car. The car’s entire weight rests on the tyres, and even the smallest of errors can lead to issues. Maintaining the tyre’s correct air pressure is essential for improving vehicle performance, keeping fuel costs low and providing a smoother ride.

If the tyre is over-inflated or under-inflated, it is not just the tyre that is at risk of wearing out easily; it can lead to increased risks of slippage or the tyres bursting.

What Happens When Tyres Are Over-Inflated or Under-Inflated?

Some risks of over-inflated or under-inflated tyres include:

1. Risk of the Tyre Overheating

1. Risk of the Tyre Overheating

If air pressure is not properly maintained, there’s a good chance that your tyres will overheat. This is because the tyres will have to face more friction due to the imbalance in air pressure.

2. Impacts Car Handling and Ride Quality

2. Impacts Car Handling and Ride Quality

3. Under-Inflated Tyres Impact Fuel Efficiency

3. Under-Inflated Tyres Impact Fuel Efficiency

Due to high friction and uneven air pressure, under-inflated tyres can impact your vehicle’s overall fuel efficiency. Your car’s engine may have to work twice as hard to keep going, consuming more petrol in the process. If you notice fluctuations in fuel efficiency, it is suggested to get your tyres checked.

4. Over-Inflated Tyres Are Susceptible to Blowouts

4. Over-Inflated Tyres Are Susceptible to Blowouts

When the tyre’s air pressure is too high, they are susceptible to blowouts, especially when driving at high speeds. Even the smallest of bumps or external material causing friction with the tyres can blow your tyre if it is inflated beyond its capacity. A sudden tyre burst can spin you out of control and damage your car, not to mention put your life at risk.

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5. Decreases Longevity of the Tyre

5. Decreases Longevity of the Tyre

How to Know the Right Air Pressure for Your Tyres

Mr TREEL recommends checking your tyre pressure every two weeks or before a long journey. The exact air pressure for your tyres will be mentioned on the vehicle chassis and even come as part of the manual. Most vehicles have similar air pressure requirements, and it will vary depending on the size of the car.

A smart tyre pressure monitoring system (TPMS) will easily tell you exactly how much air pressure your tyre needs to maintain, and this can be easily checked using the TREEL app.

tyre pressure monitoring system

Why You Need a Tyre Performance Management System

To avoid major issues from fluctuations in air pressure, it is always best to check up on the tyre’s condition in real-time. Installing smart tyre sensors by TREEL give real-time updates on the tyre’s health and air pressure, eliminating the need to make constant physical checks.

Smart tyre technology provides alerts whenever the pressure is too low or too high. Additionally, it helps you steer clear of breakdowns as you get timely updates on tyre health, enabling you to reduce risks.

Final Take

For the optimum maintenance of your tyres, Mr TREEL suggests checking the air pressure, signs of wear and tear, temperature, and other indicators. If the vehicle is not used for a long time or the tyre temperature seems cold, you might need to check its pressure and health.